How to find your signature look!
To find your signature look, execute inspiration from all around you... Express that hidden you that you have been dying to let loose. To achieve this, you find what style you are mostly drawn to. Pinterest is a great tool to use if you are struggling with what you are attracted to. And it doesn't have to be one specific style, it can be multiple different styles from boho, to chic, classic, and glamourous. Mostly no one ever sticks with one style... everyone ventures of into trying something new... bolder than before. You can also find some inspiration from the runway, editorials, or even people walking down the street. Everywhere you go is inspirational... learn to observe it with a keen eye on what pulls you in. Once you find that certain aesthetic that you are naturally drawn to, find celebrities or models that captures the aura of the look you're going for. This is were your three Fashion Icons comes in... "Your first Fashion Icon is find someone you could wear their wardrobe for the rest of your life, the second should be someone who physically looks like you, and the last one is find someone you enjoy the presence of... which means a strong tone of confidence. " ~ Michelle Magda.

How to Feel & Look Confident
Think about who you are as a person.... then think about the way you interact with the world. Are you bold and face anything with an iron's fist, or are you soft and take things lightly with a delicate twinkle in your eyes? Whether you are introverted with your style or extraverted, there are many ways to express yourself through fashion confidently. Having good taste or following the latest trends on social media isn't exactly the aim you want to go for. Each look that you put together says something about you and what you're interested in. Not to be intimidating in any way, in fact it's not even about the outfit in itself, it's how you present the outfit. There necessarily isn't a list of certain garments that will make you feel confident, it has to come within. Remember, everyone is different and everyone has a different definition of what confidence looks like. By saying things that belittles your confidence, for example, "I don't think this will look good on me," or "I'm not sure if my body type will look good in that," by doing so, you're making yourself small. It is scientifically proven that certain clothes can change your overall demeanor. Just by dressing yourself in what you like and that's of comfort to you. Let's say you want to switch up your look but are scared of what other people may think... Everyone has gone through this, some experiences were positive and some were negative. The key is to not let others dictate who you are and what you like all in the exchange of a few seconds. If you're not being offensive, then there is no reason to hold on to their words... in doing so, you're giving their words meaning by letting them dim your light. Instead, practice ways to tune out the negative and embrace the positive. You are in charge of your own validation... not someone else. In today's time, social media has been placed as the number one source for marketing, news, and community. With that comes with people who display a certain image of themselves. And people tend to compare their body, style, achievements, etc... to them, making themselves feel that they are incapable and feeling like they're lost. Those people who display certain images for their platforms are them creating their own fantasy and desperately seeking an audience who gives them validation. It's important to not put yourself in that position where you compare your image to others... Everyone has the right to feel & look confident on their own terms and be able to look in the mirror and say, "I look good!"

How to dress Elegant & Chic
Chic is a combination of classical elements... it's always polished and sleek. However, the style Chic can be styled in a way that's laid back and free. Elegance is the variety of being graceful and stylish. To create an effortless chic & elegant wardrobe, look for pieces that carry themselves as such. For example, a fitted turtle neck... This piece is very versatile because you can dress up or dress down the look while still looking effortlessly chic. Ruffled blouses are what normally comes in peoples minds when they want to appear elegant. The ruffles enhance and add dimension in your look by not making the look - look too busy to the eye. For statement pieces, an elegant lace trench coat will give your look a softer approach, trench coats are timeless no matter how many trends there are... the trench coat remains. Another statement piece is solid colored silk tops... Silk blouses are known to be both chic & elegant and just like the turtle neck it's versatile. You can pair a silk blouse with just about anything in your wardrobe, from dark colored denim jeans and to black leather mini skirts. However, don't shy away from color, you can create your own color palette that best works for you... this tool is to help you combine colors that attract one another rather than contrasts. For dresses, it should be a statement in a more casual setting... whether that will be the type of print, size of the material used, or the cut. Accessories are a great method to transform a dress or gown into something magnificent. "They can create different essences within one look that can work together cohesively. " ~ Mitchelle Magda. For shoes, a go-to heel that you can walk around comfortably is a must! Jada's favorites are elegant platform heels and heeled boots. If you want a more comfortable approach to dress elegant& chic, you can opt for a pair of loafers. Loafers are more sophisticated and add a more luxurious element to your look... For accessories, you want to keep it simple and clean for a bold look. Look for subtle statement pieces, for example, hats, scarves, purses, etc... When you're deciding on what to wear to go with your look, and go for bold or subtle... A way to have a more directive approach is if you're wearing basics... go for bold accessories to enhance your outfit. However, if you only wear statement pieces, go for subtle to complement and create for the main event. Having a Chic style is about being put together and jewelry contributes to this. "Styling varies person to person, but the concepts are applicable to everyone! Instead of going all out, try to find a balance to appear more relaxed and flattering, this creates interest and balances the proportions of the individual items. Remember pieces do not need to be traditionally feminine, mixing traditional masculine elements can work in your favor. As they emphasize and highlight the difference between each other... " ~ Michelle Magda. The most important element is having the right attitude. You can't go out on an elegant gown or trousers and blouse and feel out of place... This throws the whole effort in creating your outfit out the window, there's a certain way to carry yourself to make the look work for you. It's how you present the outfit, be confident and know that your elegance shines from within first before it shines through your look.

A Guide to dress Preppy
The style Preppy dates back to the most prestigious colleges called Ivy League... This style exalts maturity and intelligence without speech due to its scholarly & deluxe exterior. Preppy gives off a lively lavish aura, that is fresh, yet classic, and everlasting. The term "Preppy" originates from private, university-preparatory schools. Normally preppy is associated with etiquette as people who dress this way reflects their upper class lifestyle, traditionally athletic and academic. The Peppy look tends to be more elegant and cultivated, it holds a more hushed confidence for the academically oriented., that began to develop in 1910. This style provoked a sense of community amongst students who came from similar backgrounds. In the 1950s, the Preppy style grew through university culture. Prestigious students wanted formal clothing that was comfortable for casual settings. Preppy has been recognized for being clean, polished, and colorful leniency. The Southern Prep style color palette contains bold pastels, nautical or athletically aligned themes. The Southern Prep style tends to have more lighter material that would be better suited for warmer weather. However, the New England Prep style will feature more muted hues with darker overall looks that have been inspired from equestrian or country club culture. In the 80s, many brands produced more garments that combined both Prep and Ivy League... for the style did originate from prestigious schools. However, over the years Preppy fashion expanded past its Northeastern Preparatory school roots and was introduced by a more widespread community with diverse backgrounds. This style began to grow more popular throughout the twentieth century and settled into mainstream media such as films, magazines, etc... Brands that establish this style and made what is known to be today are Brook Brothers, Burberry, Ralph Lauren, and Tommy Hilfiger. The aesthetic Preppy Look is built from structural silhouettes with relaxed components, strong stable garments, and subtle or elegant branding that is typically found in embroidery. The Ivy League look obtains a color scheme that carries out restraint, sophistication, and purpose. The Ivy League Preppy look is based on neutrals and deep rich primary colors such as red, emerald, and navy. Preppy styles will embody more color but will not be too saturated, the colors must be harmonized and a seamless put-together look. These colors are often disparities of hues stimulated by a lifestyle so shades of blue, reds, and modest elegant pastels. Patterns such as stripes, plaids, windowpane, tartan, and nautical themed patterns are the most common to be integrated in balance with your look. Now to incorporate this aesthetic into your everyday wardrobe.... we'll start with the oxford shirt. Although the oxford shirt is redeemed as a dress shirt, the oxford is not always adjudged appropriate for formal wear. The material of the oxford shirt is thick and will almost always display a standard basketweave along with a button down collar which makes the shirt durable. Another stable is the blazer, this is typically a piece that is utilized more for Ivy look and a more formal prep look. The blazer should account for a natural shoulder and a sack cut should be worn to allow for the blazer to be draped. By doing this, this creates space to layer if as desired. Specifically speaking, a single-breast blazer is more fitted for the double which is more fitted for nautical tributes. Another option is a trench or topcoat which is related to the English countryside. The cable sweater is another contribution to the preppy look. The cable sweater is typically slim fitted that can be worked seamlessly, some people see it often draped on the shoulders... The cable knit can work for both day and nightwear. If you're looking for more of an athletic aesthetic, you can go for a varsity jacket or rugby jacket as this channels both preppy and sporty by not being too athletic. Trousers, denim, and skirts should remain seamlined and fitted to suit body type and occasion. Chinos can be opted as a trouser choice for it is relaxed in a sense that can be worn both formal and casual. The polo shirt is the epitome of preppy style, when most people think of preppy... Their immediate thought is polo shirts. The polo shirt apprehends preppy fashion well as it exalts an athletic apprentice... Loafers, sneakers, and boots also work well for the preppy look. The Loafer is fitted for a more relaxed and casual environment, sneakers are more acquired for sportswear but can be included in everyday wear, and boots can be worn both day and night depending on the style of the boot. For accessories, you need to opt for fine jewelry, family heirlooms, ties, hats, purses, bags, sunglasses, etc... "The purpose is to unify and practice restraint but to know which boundaries to push in order to express oneself without crossing the line out of the visuals intent of the aesthetic." ~ Michelle Magda. Like all styles, the preppy look is an attitude... The conceptual principles aesthetic for this style is public-spirited, humble, and mindful. For an authentic prep or ivy league look, that is found in muted, classic, timeless, and elegant clothing that is respected for strong craftsmanship and design. This style is known for its high quality appearance that gives definition of someone who strives or achieves to be intelligent in a sense that reflects their community or strives to be welcomed in that community. The Preppy and Ivy League look is more than a type of style... it's a lifestyle!